We put at the service of society all our scientific and technological potential, equipment, infrastructures and all our R&D&I resources.
Aware of the importance of transferring the knowledge generated by our research community to the productive fabric, at the Universidade de Vigo we have been collaborating with companies and institutions since our creation. This cooperation is materialized in different models, including research contracts and agreements.
In this sense, we distinguish two main ways of carrying out R&D activities:
- Commissioned R&D: a company or organization commissions the university to carry out an R&D project, proposes the objectives, assumes the risks and pays the cost, and finally disposes of the results. This activity is formalized by means of a contract.
- Collaborative R&D: project participants involve their resources, share risks and objectives and distribute ownership of the results. It is formalized through an agreement or collaboration agreement.
In both cases, organizations can apply to various public grants to obtain funding for their R&D&I activities.
The research groups of the Universidade de Vigo offer a wide range of R&D&I services, with extensive experience in collaboration with companies and institutions at national and international level. In this page you can consult the sectorial offer catalogs: https://www.uvigo.gal/investigar/transferencia-conecemento/oferta-innovacion