NANOGAP is a spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2006. We currently have a wide presence in international markets.

Our thermo-, photo-, and electro-catalysts help transform the chemical, energy and process industries, making new processes a reality, improving current ones and making energy generation greener.

We are the technological partner to decarbonize industries.

All this thanks to our disruptive catalysts, our Metal Molecules, a sub-nanometer particle formula of less than 20 atoms, with unique size and structure-dependent properties.

NANOGAP is developing multiple products and market opportunities based on this unique technology platform, M-Ms. Being able to use the same technology for all opportunities means diversification and therefore a reduction of investment risk. In this way, a balanced portfolio of opportunities has been developed with the objective of generating short, medium and long term revenues, which are grouped into the following areas:

  • Healthcare: with new therapeutic routes and early diagnosis.
  • Water: wastewater remediation
  • Clean energy: 100% renewable hydrogen without connection to the grid
  • Decarbonization & circular economy: materials for the energy transition.
  • Advanced materials: from nanofibers and nanoparticles to the smallest nanomaterials: Metal Molecules (M-M).