Ecocelta Galicia SL is a Galician company pioneer in Galicia in the sustainable management of organic waste through the use of biotechnologies such as vermicomposting, composting and methanisation (biogas). The Ecocelta plant, located in Pontevedra, is a model regional centre for the recovery of organic waste. In its factory they manage organic waste from the agricultural, livestock and urban sectors generated within a radius of sixty kilometres. Ecocelta produces biofertilisers, substrates and biostimulants that are certified organic and of high agronomic value.

Business areas: 

Biological management of organic waste. Production of biofertilisers, substrates and biostimulants with ecological certification.  R&D&I Department specializing in the recovery of organic waste. Water Engineering Department with sustainable biotechnologies. Nursery for the production of autochthonous macrophytes.

Business lines: 

  • Biological recovery of organic waste.
  • Production and sale of organic fertilizers, substrates and biostimulants with ecological certification.
  • Wastewater treatment with sustainable biotechnologies (green filters, Vermifiltro, etc.).
  • Nursery for the production of native Galician macrophytes.
  • Vermicomposting and sale of annelids.
  • Installation and advice for biological waste management projects.
  • Soil fertilization consultancy.